Who Are THEY?
Good morning neighbors. In my last letter, I told you that you are not alone and that WE are everywhere. But who are we not? In this letter to you, my friends and neighbors we will discuss THEM.
There are so many terms for us I would love to use, but many of them have been coopted by the fringes of both the left and right as a method to shame, divide, and dehumanize those of us in the middle. Patriot is one. But until I have established with you that this term isn’t some right- or left-wing subversive name, I’ll give it a wide berth. But here is the definition; Patriot: a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies and detractors. I’m going to focus on one phrase, “prepared to defend it against enemies AND detractors. Do you personally know any detractors? Are they positive influences in your life or negative? Who are They?
For most of us, the neighbors we consider detractors generally are just neighbors that believe quite differently from us. Those neighbors are not enemies, they simply see lifes events through a different set of glasses. However, there are some of our neighbors who want and actively promote these differences to divide us and make us ineffective. Frankly they do not have our or Americas best interests at heart. They believe that America is…….. You can finish that sentence with any number of pejoratives. Do those names describe you or I? Then who are the neighbors to distrust?
As I try to convince you that our neighborhood is large, multi-ethnic, gender neutral, multi-generational, and economically diverse (all incredible advantages), They will try to convince you otherwise. They are great at gaslighting, but let’s be honest, you/we are not……. Again, you can easily finish this sentence with the names we are called on a daily basis. But who are They?
The simplest word that describes Them, is elite. We are no more elite than we are average. How do I know we aren’t elite (lets save average for another cup of coffee)? Because few of the elite share morals, values, and life experiences that define us in the middle.
So lets define “elite”. Websters defines elite as “a group of persons who by virtue of position or education, exercise much power or influence”. For this discussion elite will consist of the following criteria: 1) at least one postgraduate degree, 2) earn at least $150,000 annually and 3) live in a high-density area (10000+ people per square mile in their zip code). This definition of elite represents approximately 1% of our population but an outsized proportion of the daily decision makers in America. These individuals primarily have careers in all levels of government, Industry, Finance, Education, Law and Media. Is this you or any of your neighbors?
A report based on a poll of 1000 voters by Scott Rasmussen and RMG Research Inc was published late last year. I am generally skeptical about poll results because of how easily results can be manipulated. This group is on the conservative side of the spectrum, so by presenting you with the results I am going to be a bit divisive for some people, (as you will learn over time I will be an equal opportunity offender). I’m going to use the labels us (neighbors) and them (elite). Following are 6 questions and responses from that poll that highlight some differences between them and us.
1) Are your personal finances better or worse? Us-20% believed it was better, Them-74% believed it was better
2) Does the US government provide too much individual freedom, too much government control, or is the balance about right? Us- 57% say the government has too much control, Them-47% say they provide too much individual freedom
3) To fight climate change would you favor or oppose the strict rationing of gas, meat, and electricity? Us-63% said no, Them-77% said yes.
4) Do you have a favorable opinion of the following groups?
a) Lawyers? Us-49%, Them-78%
b) Union Leaders? Us-43%, Them-78%
c) Journalists? Us-44%, Them-79%
d) Members of Congress? Us-28%, Them-67%
5) If you had a choice between a candidate who said that teachers and other educational professionals should decide what students are taught, and one that believes parents need more control over what their children are taught, which one would you choose? Us-62% parents Them-67% teachers
6) To fight climate change would you:
a) Ban gas stoves? Us-25% Them-69%
b) Gas Vehicles? Us-24% Them-72%
c) Non-essential air travel? Us-22% Them-55%
d) SUV’s ? Us-16% Them-58%
e) Private air conditioning ? Us-13% Them-53%
7) Do you trust the government to do the right thing most of the time? Us->65% no Them-70% yes
How did you answer those questions? While I feel like these are eyepopping numbers, how about if we ask the same questions and only use the results of elites who graduated from Ivy League schools or a small group of 5 other elite private universities. Those numbers to the same questions were:
1) 88% better
2) 55% too much freedom
3) No less than 84% for any of the professions
4) 71% teachers or other professionals
5) Average of 63% believe in banning all of those items
Like I said earlier I am an inherent critic of polls in general, but these results are indicative of the things I hear coming from Media, Government, Finance, Industry (especially Technology), and our most exclusive Universities (notice the root word of exclusive is exclude? Exclude us or them). Our government, industry, finance, and media are largely controlled by individuals that believe WE have too much freedom. What is most concerning is that these are the people that control the basic functions of daily public life. It isn’t you, I, or our neighbors.
Who doesn’t have a voice? Is it your neighbor putting in his 40+ for the union bosses? Is it your neighbor trying to teach the 3 R’s that is battling the union, education elites, and the government? Is it the parents of your neighbors’ children? Is it you?
Everyday we have a choice to make. Do we choose to remain passively on the side or do we do something? That something can have many outlets depending on your time, family commitments and finances, but there is one thing we can all do. We can work together. We can connect with our neighbors and understand each other. Different color? Who cares. Different religion? Who cares. Different gender, sexual preference, economic position, age? I mean who really cares? They do! They want you to ignore your neighbors who are more like you than different. Your neighbors are you!
There are members of the elite that are your neighbors that think, believe, and hope for something exactly like you do. They care just as vehemently about Liberty and Freedom but they are outnumbered in their circle. So, how about we start talking to each other? Lets begin to understand where we are, who we are, and how we can make a difference together. I mean isn’t that what makes a good neighbor? Remember you are not alone